When you change inside out flows outwardly. I've had a hard battle with matters of the heart this year. So I took a lot of time to heal! THANK YOU to all who has stuck with me through it all! So here's the changes we are making so far!
-Subscription fees to the All Knowing Tier will lower to $8.88 a month for videos. YALL NEED THESE MESSAGES the way I do videos will also change!
-I will hold monthly tarot & Tea parties for $11.11 you get a general & questions in a group setting on zoom plus collective messages. Thanks to all who attended for my bday I loved it!
-The Walk will continue for 2024 with some change. For $75 a month You will receive:
One hour personal session astrology/tarot for the month ahead
One distant reiki session
One personal ritual session
One Vent Session (goal planning)
And the All Knowing Tier so all videos!