Virgo represents the 6th House of daily life. Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, & financial health, routines, work ethic, & more is on the forefront. Mercury is also retrograde in Virgo so it's time to revise our health and the type of lifestyle we live. As always check your birthchart to see what individual house you're working on. Here's what's being highlighted for you this month:
Aries- 6th House
Taurus- 5th House
Gemini- 4th House
Cancer- 3rd House
Leo- 2nd House
Virgo- 1st House
Libra- 12th House
Scorpio- 11th House
Sagittarius- 10th House
Capricorn- 9th House
Aquarius- 8th House
Pisces- 7th House
