Welcome to ECLIPSE SEASON! Things will shift in an instant, please don't be resistant. Grow with the flow. ITS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH! IM WALKING INTO 40! SO PLEASE TAKE 40% OFF ALL SESSIONS! USING CODE: BIRTHDAY
Here are this months astrological transits:
10/4- Mercury moves into Libra
10/6- 3rd Quarter Moon in Cancer
10/8- Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
10/8- Venus moves into Virgo
10/9- Venus in Virgo oppose Saturn in Pisces
10/10- Pluto direct in Capricorn
10/12- Mars moves into Scorpio
10/12- Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
10/19- Mercury conjunct Sun in Libra
10/20- Mercury & Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
10/21- 1st Quarter Moon in Capricorn
10/21- Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus
10/22- Mercury moves into Scorpio
10/23- Sun moves into Scorpio
10/27- Mars in Virgo oppose Jupiter in Taurus
10/28- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
10/28- Mercury in Scorpio oppose Jupiter in Taurus
10/30- Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio
10/31- Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
All Eclipse season videos are done by signs. You can subscribe to the All Knowing Plan for $22.22 monthly or purchase all videos separately for $1.99 Here are your October Eclipse themes by signs:
Aries- It's OK to make mistakes, it's a learning tool.
Taurus- Attachment is not love, don't feel guilty for moving on.
Gemini- It's a season of completing cycles, time to create the new.
Cancer- Going through an initiation, release the past & self denial.
Leo- Don't let the ego make you self sabotage, go towards the new.
Virgo- Major cleanse emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, & financially.
Libra- 555 major change if you stop resisting, don't miss the call.
Scorpio- Clearing karmic blockages by staying true to you.
Sagittarius- You have to take action, stop sleeping on you. You got this!
Capricorn- A learning season, reflect on your choices & consequences. How did you get here?
Aquarius- You vs you! Your guides are screaming at you! Tap in before you make decisions.
Pisces- You're in solitude for a reason, you're headed towards a new path.
We're still moving through the shifts. Spiritual elevation and mastering of gifts. Some of you are aligning with your purpose. Some of you are aligning with new guides to help you in your new purpose. Meditation with the higher self. Understanding and trusting in your own inner voice. Some of you can finally hear clearly! Pay attention to the signs, symbols, & colors in your visions and dreams. If you're dreaming of wars you're still in a spiritual battle. ( To the gifted you know what you know and see what you see I do too! that's not for you it's for the non seers who don't know) PROTECTION UP. FIGHT THOSE NEGATIVE ENERGIES OFF YOU! How to fight:
-Cleanse your mental space, listen to affirmations or sound baths.
- Cleanse your home. Clean all closets too! Reorganize your space.
- Cleanse your body, fasting, eating light foods!
- Walk. Dance. Run. MOVE YOUR BODY
- Remove any person, place, or things that make you uncomfortable trust it's not supposed to be around!
- Create a daily routine or break free from one!
- Communicate with those in the home KNOW HOW EVERYONE ENERGY IS!
- Journal! Write and release.
- DO THE WORK! You have to feel that shit to heal that shit.
Yes there is a lot going on during this time. But how you show up for you matters. Your strength and capabilities come from within. We are in transition. Focus on your priorities.
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