We have entered a new season of healing!
I give myself permission to heal.
I am willing to forgive myself.
I am ready to forgive anyone I feel has hurt me.
I let go of my perceived pain.
I’m willing to see things differently.
I let go of my need to be right.
I accept the lesson my pain is offering me.
I see my current circumstances as an opportunity to grow.
I allow myself to give and receive love.
I release the past and trust that everything is happening for my greatest good.
I accept my part in everything that happens in my life.
I am willing to amend my own behavior.
I acknowledge my unresolved feelings with patience and self-reflection.
I respect and validate my own feelings.
I am kind to myself and others.
I always choose My life is a gift.
I will use this gift with confidence, joy, and exuberance.
Today I choose me.
I am worthy of infinite compassion.
Compassion is infinite and fully surrounds me and my life.
I accept myself as I am healing!