Gemini season refers to the period of time between May 21 and June 20 when the sun is in the astrological sign of Gemini. This is believed to be a time of increased communication, socializing, and intellectual pursuits. Those born under the sign of Gemini are said to be adaptable, curious, and quick-witted. In astrology, the 3rd House is associated with communication, siblings, neighbors, short trips, and learning. It reflects how you express yourself, your mental abilities, and your relationships with people in your immediate environment. It also speaks to duality & balancing the light and shadow aspects of self! Dive in!
Know where Gemini is in your chart this is what you are working on:
Aries- 3rd House
Taurus- 2nd House
Gemini- 1st House
Cancer- 12th House
Leo- 11th House
Virgo- 10th House
Libra- 9th House
Scorpio- 8th House
Sagittarius- 7th House
Capricorn- 6th House
Aquarius- 5th House
Pisces- 4th House
Check below to see what the House represents!
Join us live tonight at 8pm on the homepage for a Collective Gemini Season Read🥰

How do I get there?
She is live right now
Did I miss the live🤔😔